5 Best Dance Studio Insurance & Costs for 2023

Thang Truong
Thang Truong
Updated on:

Operating a dance studio is a rewarding and creative business venture. However, like any other business, it comes with potential risks and liabilities. This is where dance studio insurance comes into play. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to know about dance studio insurance requirements, coverage, costs, and the best providers in the industry.

5 best dance studio insurance providers

Many insurance companies offer dance studio insurance, which can make it overwhelming for you to find the best one. After intensive research, here are the 5 best providers that we recommend. Each has its own pros and cons for your consideration. 

  • Simply Business: best for comparing several quotes from top tier carriers and excellent customer satisfaction rating
  • NEXT: Best for general liability insurance and commercial property insurance
  • The Hartford: Best for comprehensive coverage and excellent reputation of 200+ years of experience
  • Certainly: Best for a combination of comprehensive coverage and great digital experience
  • Tivly: Best brokerage firm to work with independent experienced and knowledgeable agents

Simply Business: best for comparing several quotes from top tier carriers and excellent customer satisfaction rating

Simply Business is an online insurance marketplace that specializes in providing customized insurance solutions for small businesses, including dance studios. By partnering with top-tier carriers, Simply Business offers a wide range of coverage options and competitive pricing. Known for its excellent customer satisfaction ratings, Simply Business is a top choice for dance studio owners looking to compare multiple quotes and find the best coverage for their needs.


  • Offers a convenient way to compare quotes from multiple top-tier carriers
  • Customizable coverage options tailored to your dance studio’s needs
  • Excellent customer satisfaction ratings


  • Not a direct insurance provider; operates as a marketplace
  • May not offer all types of coverage needed for some dance studios

NEXT: Best for general liability insurance and commercial property insurance

NEXT Insurance specializes in providing tailored insurance solutions for small businesses, including dance studios. They offer a variety of coverage options, with a focus on general liability and commercial property insurance. With an easy-to-use online platform, competitive pricing, and quick policy issuance, NEXT Insurance is a popular choice for dance studio owners seeking fast and convenient coverage.


  • Specializes in general liability and commercial property insurance for small businesses
  • User-friendly online platform for purchasing and managing policies
  • Competitive pricing and quick policy issuance


  • May not offer the most comprehensive coverage options for some dance studios
  • Not specifically focused on the dance industry

The Hartford: Best for comprehensive coverage and excellent reputation of 200+ years of experience

The Hartford is a well-established insurance provider with over 200 years of experience in the industry. They offer a wide range of coverage options, including general liability, property, and workers’ compensation insurance. With a reputation for excellent customer service and comprehensive coverage tailored to the unique needs of dance studios, The Hartford is a trusted choice for many studio owners.


  • Comprehensive coverage options tailored to the dance industry
  • Over 200 years of experience and a strong reputation in the insurance industry
  • Excellent customer service and claims handling


  • May have higher premiums compared to some other providers
  • Not exclusively focused on dance studios or the arts industry

Certainly: Best for a combination of comprehensive coverage and great digital experience

Certainly is a subsidiary of The Hartford that combines the comprehensive coverage offered by its parent company with a modern, digital-first approach. Designed to provide a seamless online experience, Certainly offers customizable insurance solutions for dance studios, including general liability, professional liability, and property insurance. With the backing of The Hartford’s reputation and resources, Certainly is an excellent choice for dance studio owners seeking both comprehensive coverage and a great digital experience.


  • Comprehensive coverage options from a well-established insurance provider
  • Modern, digital-first approach for a seamless online experience
  • Customizable insurance solutions tailored to dance studios


  • Limited to coverage options provided by The Hartford
  • Not specifically focused on the dance industry

Tivly: Best brokerage firm to work with independent experienced and knowledgeable agents

Tivly is an insurance brokerage firm that specializes in connecting businesses with independent, experienced agents. These knowledgeable agents work closely with dance studio owners to assess their specific needs and risks, ensuring they receive the best coverage options available. With a focus on personalized service and tailored insurance solutions, Tivly is a top choice for dance studio owners who value the expertise of independent agents.


  • Access to independent, experienced agents who understand the unique needs of dance studios
  • Personalized service and tailored insurance solutions
  • Works with multiple insurance providers to offer a wide range of coverage options


  • Not a direct insurance provider; operates as a brokerage firm
  • The level of service may vary depending on the individual agent

How to choose the right dance studio insurance provider

Assessing your studio’s specific needs

Before selecting an insurance provider, it’s essential to evaluate your dance studio’s unique needs and risks. Consider the size of your business, the types of classes you offer, and any special events or performances that may require additional coverage.

Comparing quotes from multiple providers

When shopping for dance studio insurance, it’s a good idea to request quotes from several providers to compare coverage options and pricing.

Evaluating the reputation and financial stability of insurance providers

Choose an insurance provider with a strong reputation and financial stability to ensure they can fulfill their obligations in the event of a claim.

The importance of customer service and claims handling

Responsive customer service and efficient claims handling are essential when choosing an insurance provider. Look for a provider that offers easy-to-use online tools and support from knowledgeable agents.

Why do dance studios need insurance? 

There are several reasons why dance studios need to have insurance to protect themselves and their businesses. Below are the main ones: 

Risks and liabilities faced by dance studio owners

Running a dance studio involves many inherent risks, such as injuries to students and staff, property damage, and potential legal disputes. It’s essential for dance studio owners to protect their businesses and students by obtaining the right insurance coverage.

Protecting your business and students

Insurance provides financial protection for your business in case of unforeseen events, allowing you to continue operating and providing services to your students.

In many jurisdictions, businesses like dance studios are required to have certain types of insurance coverage. It’s essential to understand your local regulations and ensure your dance studio meets the legal requirements.

Types of dance studio insurance coverage

Dance studio insurance can include several coverages to appropriately the risks that dance studios are exposed to in their operations. Below are the main types of dance studio coverage: 

General liability insurance

General liability insurance covers bodily injury and property damage claims that may arise from accidents at your dance studio. This includes injuries to students, staff, or visitors, as well as property damage caused by your operations.

Professional liability insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, protects your dance studio from claims related to negligent instruction, incorrect advice, or other professional mistakes.

Commercial property insurance

Commercial property insurance covers damage to your dance studio’s building and contents, including equipment, furnishings, and inventory.

If you rent a space for your dance studio, your commercial landlord will expect or demand you have this policy as a part of the lease requirements. Many people assume that the commercial landlord insurance, which your landlord should have, will cover the physical space you rent. But not, it only covers the liability your landlord is exposed to. You as the renter need to have your own commercial property insurance policy. This is usually considered a part of your commercial renters insurance that most businesses renting a space are required to have. 

Workers’ compensation insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is required in most jurisdictions and provides coverage for employees who are injured on the job. This can include medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs.

Business interruption insurance

Business interruption insurance helps cover lost income and additional expenses if your dance studio is forced to close temporarily due to a covered event, such as a fire or natural disaster.

Additional coverages to consider

Depending on your dance studio’s specific needs, you may want to consider additional coverage options, such as sexual misconduct, cyber liability, and equipment breakdown insurance.

How much does dance studio insurance cost?

The cost of insurance for your dance studio will vary depending on your specific needs and circumstances. However, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $5,000 per year for comprehensive coverage.

The average cost of a general liability insurance policy for a dance studio is just $82 per month or $984 per year. This is by far the most common dance studio insurance type. If you can only afford one policy, let it be general liability insurance. 

Below are the average costs of other types of dance studio insurance coverages: 

Types of dance studio insurance coverage Average costs
General liability insurance$82 per month 
Professional liability insurance $38 per month 
Commercial property insurance $128 per month 
Workers comp insurance $56 per month per full time employee

Keep in mind that these are just the averages. Your rates will be different. Be sure to work with a few companies or a top broker like Simply Business or Tivly to compare several quotes to find the cheapest one for you. 

Factors affecting the cost of insurance

Several factors can affect the cost of insurance for your dance studio, including:

Location of the dance studio

The location of your dance studio can significantly impact your insurance premiums. Studios located in areas with higher crime rates, more severe weather conditions, or higher property values may face higher insurance costs due to the increased risk of theft, property damage, or other potential hazards.

Size and layout of the studio

The size and layout of your dance studio can also influence your insurance costs. Larger studios with more space and equipment may require higher coverage limits, resulting in higher premiums. Additionally, studios with multiple rooms or levels may have different risks than smaller, single-room studios, which can affect insurance pricing.

Types of dance classes offered

The types of dance classes you offer at your studio can also impact your insurance costs. For example, certain dance styles, such as aerial or acrobatic dance, may involve higher risks of injury and therefore require higher coverage limits or specialized insurance policies. Offering a variety of dance classes with different risk levels can influence your insurance premiums.

Number of employees

The number of employees at your dance studio can affect your insurance costs, especially if you require workers’ compensation insurance. In general, having more employees means a higher risk of workplace injuries, resulting in higher insurance premiums.

Safety measures and protocols

Implementing safety measures and protocols at your dance studio can help reduce the risk of accidents and injuries, which can positively impact your insurance costs. Insurers often consider studios with strong safety measures to be lower risk, potentially leading to lower premiums. Examples of safety measures include regular equipment inspections, proper flooring, and adequate supervision.

Claims history

Your dance studio’s claims history can significantly affect your insurance premiums. If your studio has a history of frequent or high-cost claims, insurers may view your business as higher risk, resulting in increased insurance costs. Maintaining a clean claims record can help lower your insurance premiums over time.

Coverage limits and deductibles

The coverage limits and deductibles you choose for your dance studio insurance policy will directly impact your insurance costs. Higher coverage limits provide more extensive protection but typically come with higher premiums. Similarly, selecting a lower deductible can increase your premium, while choosing a higher deductible can lower your premium, but will require you to pay more out-of-pocket in the event of a claim.

Tips for reducing dance studio insurance costs

Following the tips below to reduce your dance studio insurance costs: 

Implementing safety measures and protocols

Reducing the risk of accidents and injuries at your dance studio can help lower your insurance premiums. Implementing safety measures and protocols, such as regular equipment inspections, proper flooring, and adequate supervision, can make a difference.

Regularly reviewing and updating your coverage

It’s essential to review your insurance coverage regularly to ensure it remains adequate for your dance studio’s needs. As your business grows or changes, you may need to adjust your coverage to avoid gaps or over-insurance.

Taking advantage of discounts and bundling options

Many insurance providers offer discounts for businesses that implement safety measures or maintain a claim-free record. Additionally, bundling multiple types of insurance coverage with the same provider can often result in cost savings.

What is dance instructor insurance? 

Dance instructor insurance is a specialized type of insurance coverage designed to protect individual dance teachers and instructors from the unique risks and liabilities associated with their profession. It typically includes the following types of coverage:

Professional liability insurance: 

Also known as Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance, this coverage protects dance instructors against claims arising from alleged negligence, errors, or omissions in their professional services. This can include claims related to improper instruction, incorrect choreography, or failure to adhere to industry standards, resulting in student injuries or other damages.

General liability insurance: 

This coverage protects dance instructors against claims of bodily injury or property damage caused by their instruction or activities. For example, if a student is injured during a dance class due to the instructor’s alleged negligence, general liability insurance would help cover the legal costs, medical expenses, and potential settlements.

Dance instructor insurance is tailored to the needs of individual instructors, whether they are self-employed, working as independent contractors, or employed by a dance studio. It provides crucial financial protection and peace of mind for instructors, helping them safeguard their careers and livelihoods in the event of unforeseen incidents or legal claims.


In conclusion, dance studio insurance is a vital aspect of running a successful and protected business. Understanding the requirements, coverage options, and costs associated with insurance will help you make informed decisions and choose the best provider for your needs. By considering our top provider recommendations, assessing your studio’s specific needs, and implementing strategies to reduce costs, you can ensure that your dance studio is well-equipped to handle any unforeseen events that may arise.

Thang Truong

Thang Truong covers small business insurance and small business success at BravoPolicy. He is a licensed P&C insurance agent. Previously, he held product leadership positions at realtor.com, Capital One, NerdWallet, and Mulberry Technology. He holds a MBA degree from UC Berkeley - Haas School of Business.

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