6 Best Dance Instructor Insurance & Costs for 2023

Thang Truong
Thang Truong
Updated on:

Dance instructors play a critical role in teaching, inspiring, and guiding students in the art of dance. However, their profession also comes with potential risks and liabilities that could result in financial loss or legal issues. This article explores dance instructor insurance, covering everything you need to know about requirements, coverage, liability, costs, and the best providers to help you protect your career and business.

6 best dance instructor insurance companies 

Many insurance companies offer dance instructor insurance. After intensive research, here are some top insurance providers for dance instructors:

Simply Business: Best for comparing several quotes from top-tier carriers in one place to find the cheapest one and excellent customer satisfaction rating

Simply Business is an online insurance broker that helps dance instructors find the best insurance policies by providing multiple quotes from top-tier carriers. Their platform allows users to easily compare policies and select the most affordable and suitable option for their needs. With a focus on customer satisfaction, Simply Business has built a reputation for providing personalized service and support throughout the insurance buying process.


  • Offers a simple, user-friendly platform to compare multiple quotes from top carriers
  • Provides access to exclusive discounts from participating carriers
  • Excellent customer satisfaction rating


  • Not a direct insurance provider, but a broker
  • May have limited carrier options depending on your location and requirements

NEXT Insurance: Best for affordable general liability insurance and excellent digital experience

NEXT Insurance specializes in providing small businesses and professionals, including dance instructors, with affordable and tailored insurance policies. They offer general liability insurance specifically designed for dance instructors, with coverage options that cater to the unique risks faced by professionals in this industry. Their easy-to-use online platform and excellent digital experience make purchasing and managing insurance policies simple and convenient.


  • Competitive pricing and customizable coverage options
  • Excellent digital experience with user-friendly platform
  • Fast and easy online quote process


  • May not offer specialized coverage options for certain types of dance instruction
  • Limited customer support options compared to larger carriers

K&K Insurance: Best for their comprehensive dance program with specialized coverage in dance instruction

K&K Insurance is known for its comprehensive dance program, which offers specialized coverage for dance instructors and studios. They provide a variety of coverage options tailored to the unique risks and requirements of dance professionals, including general liability, professional liability, and accident medical insurance. Their expertise in the dance industry allows them to offer customized policies that address the specific needs of dance instructors.


  • Specialized coverage options designed specifically for dance instructors
  • Experienced provider with a deep understanding of the dance industry
  • Offers a variety of coverage options to address unique risks


  • Not as well-known as some other insurance providers
  • Online quote process may not be as streamlined as other providers

Philadelphia Insurance Companies: Best for a combined professional liability and general liability coverage in a policy from a specialized carrier

Philadelphia Insurance Companies (PHLY) offers a combined professional and general liability insurance policy specifically designed for dance instructors. Their specialized coverage addresses the unique risks faced by professionals in the dance industry, ensuring comprehensive protection. As an established carrier with a solid reputation, PHLY is a reliable choice for dance instructors seeking both general and professional liability coverage.


  • Combined professional and general liability coverage in one policy
  • Specialized carrier with experience in the dance industry
  • Reputable and well-established insurance provider


  • May have higher premiums than some competitors
  • Not as user-friendly online experience compared to some other providers

The Hartford: Best comprehensive coverage for dance instructors and teachers by one of the best and most reputable carriers

The Hartford is a well-known and reputable insurance carrier that offers comprehensive coverage for dance instructors and teachers. With over 200 years of experience in the insurance industry, The Hartford has the expertise and resources to provide reliable protection for dance professionals. Their customizable policies allow dance instructors to tailor coverage to meet their unique needs and risks.


  • Reputable carrier with a long history in the insurance industry
  • Comprehensive coverage options tailored to dance instructors
  • Excellent customer service and support


  • May have higher premiums than some competitors
  • Online experience may not be as user-friendly as other providers

Tivly: Best brokerage firm if you prefer working with independent and knowledgeable agents

Tivly is a brokerage firm that connects dance instructors with independent and knowledgeable agents who can help them find the best insurance policies for their needs. By working with Tivly, dance instructors can benefit from personalized service and advice from experienced agents who understand the unique risks and requirements of the dance industry. This tailored approach ensures that instructors can find the most suitable coverage at competitive rates.


  • Personalized service from independent, knowledgeable agents
  • Customized insurance solutions tailored to the unique needs of dance instructors
  • Access to a wide range of carriers and coverage options


  • Not a direct insurance provider, but a brokerage firm
  • The quality of service may vary depending on the individual agent

How to choose the best dance instructor insurance for yourself? 

When choosing an insurance provider for your dance instructor insurance, consider the following criteria:

  1. Financial stability and reputation: Look for providers with a strong financial rating and a positive reputation in the industry.
  2. Expertise in the dance instruction field: Providers with experience in insuring dance instructors are more likely to understand the unique risks and coverage needs associated with this profession.
  3. Comprehensive coverage options: Choose a provider that offers a wide range of coverage options and customization, allowing you to tailor your policy to your specific needs.
  4. Competitive pricing: Compare multiple providers to find one that offers comprehensive coverage at a competitive price.
  5. Responsive customer service: Opt for a provider with a reputation for excellent customer service, ensuring that they will be there to help you when you need assistance or have to file a claim.

How much does dance instructor insurance cost? 

The average cost of a professional liability insurance policy for dance instructors is $35 per month or $420 per year. Most dance instructors pay between $19 to $69 per month for their professional liability insurance policy. 

Keep in mind that this is just the average cost. Your rates will be different. Be sure to shop around with a few companies or work with a top broker like Simply Business or Tivly to compare several quotes to find the cheapest one for you.

Factors that affect dance instructor insurance premiums

Several factors can influence the cost of your dance instructor insurance premiums, including:

  1. The type and amount of coverage you choose.
  2. Your location and local insurance regulations.
  3. The size and scope of your dance instruction business (e.g., number of students, classes, and employees).
  4. Your experience and qualifications as a dance instructor.
  5. Your claims history and risk profile.

Comparing costs of different coverage options

To ensure that you are getting the best value for your insurance investment, it’s essential to compare the costs of different coverage options and providers. Request quotes from multiple insurance companies, making sure to compare the same types and amounts of coverage. This will help you identify the most affordable and comprehensive policy for your specific needs.

Tips for saving on dance instructor insurance costs

To save on your dance instructor insurance costs, consider the following strategies:

  1. Bundle your insurance policies: If you require multiple types of insurance, such as professional liability, general liability, and property insurance, bundling these policies with a single provider may result in discounts on your premiums.
  2. Increase your deductible: Choosing a higher deductible can lower your premium costs, but be prepared to cover more expenses out-of-pocket in the event of a claim.
  3. Maintain a clean claims history: Providers often offer discounts to policyholders with few or no claims. Focus on minimizing your liability risks and following industry best practices to reduce the likelihood of claims.
  4. Take advantage of discounts: Some providers offer discounts for memberships in professional organizations, safety training, or other qualifying factors. Ask your provider about any available discounts and how you can qualify for them.

Requirements for dance instructor insurance

The legal and industry-specific requirements for dance instructor insurance can vary depending on your location, type of instruction, and whether you operate a dance studio or teach independently. Some states or municipalities may have specific insurance requirements for dance instructors or businesses. Additionally, if you rent a studio or commercial space, your landlord might require you to carry a certain level of liability insurance. It’s essential to research the specific insurance requirements applicable to your situation and comply with them to avoid potential fines or legal issues.

Optional insurance coverage considerations

Beyond the mandatory requirements, dance instructors should also consider optional insurance coverage to protect against a wider range of risks. Depending on your unique circumstances, you may need additional coverage for your equipment, employees, or other aspects of your business. Assess your potential risks and consult with an insurance professional to determine the most appropriate coverage options for your needs.

Types of insurance coverage for dance instructors

There are several types of insurance coverage available to dance instructors. The following are some of the most common and important coverages to consider:

Professional liability insurance

Also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, professional liability insurance covers claims that arise from professional negligence or failure to perform your duties as a dance instructor. This coverage can help protect you if a student or parent alleges that your instruction led to injury, financial loss, or other damages.

General liability insurance

General liability insurance protects against claims of bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury (such as libel or slander) that occur during the course of your business operations. For example, if a student slips and falls during a dance class, general liability insurance can help cover the costs of medical expenses and potential legal fees.

Property insurance

If you own or operate a dance studio, property insurance is essential for protecting your physical assets, such as the building, equipment, and furnishings. Property insurance covers damages resulting from events like fire, theft, or natural disasters.

Workers’ compensation insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is required in most states if you have employees, such as other dance instructors or administrative staff. This coverage provides financial protection for employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses, helping to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and potential legal fees.

Business interruption insurance

Business interruption insurance, also known as business income insurance, helps cover lost income and additional expenses if your dance studio or business is temporarily unable to operate due to a covered event, such as a fire or natural disaster. This coverage can help you maintain financial stability during unexpected disruptions.

Understanding liability for dance instructors

Definition of liability in the context of dance instruction

In the context of dance instruction, liability refers to the legal responsibility a dance instructor holds for any harm or damages caused to a student or third party due to their professional services or actions. Liability can arise from various situations, such as professional negligence, errors or omissions, and accidents that occur during dance classes.

Common scenarios that may lead to liability claims

Some common scenarios that may result in liability claims against dance instructors include:

  1. Injuries during class: If a student sustains an injury during a dance lesson and claims that it was due to your negligence or improper instruction, you could face a liability claim.
  2. Inadequate supervision: Failing to provide adequate supervision during a dance class or rehearsal could result in accidents or injuries, potentially leading to a liability claim against you.
  3. Miscommunication: If a student or parent misunderstands your instructions or advice, they may claim that you were responsible for any negative outcomes or damages that occurred as a result.
  4. Property damage: If you or your students accidentally damage a rented space, equipment, or someone’s personal belongings, you may be held liable for the cost of repairs or replacement.
  5. Emotional distress: If a student or parent alleges that your actions or words caused emotional harm, such as through bullying or harassment, you could face a liability claim.

Tips for minimizing liability risks as a dance instructor

To reduce your liability risks as a dance instructor, consider the following tips:

  1. Develop and implement clear safety guidelines and procedures for your dance classes, and make sure students are aware of and follow these rules.
  2. Regularly inspect and maintain your dance studio or teaching space to ensure it is safe and free from potential hazards.
  3. Obtain proper certifications and training in your specific dance discipline and stay up-to-date with industry best practices.
  4. Communicate clearly and professionally with students and parents, setting realistic expectations and addressing any concerns promptly.
  5. Obtain comprehensive insurance coverage to protect against potential liability claims and associated costs.

Types of insurance coverage for dance studios 

A dance studio and a dance instructor have different insurance coverage needs due to their unique roles, responsibilities, and potential risks. While there is some overlap in the types of insurance they require, certain coverages are more specific to either the studio or the instructor. Let’s explore the types of insurance coverages a dance studio would need and how they differ from those required by a dance instructor.

Dance studio insurance coverage

A dance studio needs comprehensive insurance coverage to protect its business, property, and employees. Some key coverages in a dance studio insurance include:

  1. General liability insurance: This coverage protects the studio against claims of bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury that may occur on the studio’s premises or during its operations.
  2. Property insurance: Property insurance covers the physical assets of the dance studio, such as the building, equipment, and furnishings, against damages resulting from events like fire, theft, or natural disasters.
  3. Workers’ compensation insurance: If a dance studio employs instructors, administrative staff, or other employees, workers’ compensation insurance is required in most states. This coverage provides financial protection for employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses.
  4. Business interruption insurance: Also known as business income insurance, this coverage helps cover lost income and additional expenses if the dance studio is temporarily unable to operate due to a covered event, such as a fire or natural disaster.
  5. Commercial auto insurance: If the dance studio owns or operates vehicles for business purposes, commercial auto insurance is necessary to cover potential damages, injuries, or liabilities resulting from accidents involving those vehicles.

Dance instructor insurance coverage

A dance instructor’s insurance needs mainly focus on protecting themselves from liability claims that could arise from their professional services. Some essential coverages for a dance instructor include:

  1. Professional liability insurance: Also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, this coverage protects dance instructors against claims that arise from professional negligence, errors, or omissions in their instruction.
  2. General liability insurance: Dance instructors may also need general liability insurance to protect against bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury claims that occur during their classes or other professional activities.
  3. Independent contractor liability insurance: If a dance instructor works as an independent contractor for a dance studio or other organization, they may need this coverage to protect themselves from liabilities that could arise while providing their services.

Differences between dance studio and dance instructor insurance

While both dance studios and dance instructors need general liability insurance to protect against potential accidents and injuries, the coverage amounts and specific risks they face may differ. For example, a dance studio may have a higher risk of property damage due to its facilities and equipment, while a dance instructor may face a higher risk of professional liability claims due to their instructional services.

Additionally, dance studios typically need more comprehensive coverage for their property, employees, and business operations, while dance instructors’ primary concern is protecting themselves from professional liabilities. This means that dance studios usually require more extensive insurance policies, including workers’ compensation, business interruption, and commercial auto insurance, which may not be necessary for individual dance instructors.

In summary, the insurance needs of a dance studio and a dance instructor differ due to their unique roles, responsibilities, and potential risks. It’s essential for both parties to carefully assess their specific needs and obtain appropriate coverage to protect themselves and their businesses.


Obtaining proper insurance coverage is crucial for dance instructors to protect themselves and their businesses from potential financial losses and legal issues. By understanding the requirements, coverage options, liability concerns, and costs associated with dance instructor insurance, you can make informed decisions and secure the protection you need. With the right insurance policy in place, you can focus on sharing your passion for dance with your students and fostering a safe and supportive learning environment.

Thang Truong

Thang Truong covers small business insurance and small business success at BravoPolicy. He is a licensed P&C insurance agent. Previously, he held product leadership positions at realtor.com, Capital One, NerdWallet, and Mulberry Technology. He holds a MBA degree from UC Berkeley - Haas School of Business.

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