5 Best Jewelry Store Insurance & Costs in 2023 

Thang Truong
Thang Truong
Updated on:

Insurance is a crucial aspect of running a successful jewelry store. It helps to provide a safety net against unexpected occurrences that might otherwise impact the business adversely. This article explores the different types of insurance available for jewelry stores and why they are essential.

5 best jewelry store insurance companies 

As a jewelry store owner, selecting the right insurance provider for your business can feel overwhelming. The decision will hinge on various factors including your specific needs, budget, and the scale of your operations. Here, we have narrowed down five of the best insurance providers for jewelry stores, each with their own unique strengths. We will provide a brief summary of each provider, along with their pros and cons to help you make a more informed decision.

  • Simply Business: Best for comparing several quotes from top-tier carriers and excellent customer satisfaction rating
  • NEXT: Best provider of general liability insurance for independent jewelry stores
  • The Hartford: Best for comprehensive coverage for chain jewelry stores
  • Hiscox: Best for a bundled policy of general liability and professional liability insurance for jewelry stores
  • Tivly: Best brokerage firm if you prefer working with independent and knowledgeable agents

Simply Business: Best for comparing several quotes from top-tier carriers and excellent customer satisfaction rating

Simply Business offers a fast, easy, and straightforward way to compare multiple quotes from top-tier insurance carriers. Known for their excellent customer satisfaction rating, Simply Business can cater to the unique needs of any jewelry store, regardless of size or specialty.


  • Easy comparison of quotes from top carriers.
  • Excellent customer service with high satisfaction ratings.
  • Tailored policies to match your specific needs.


  • Some carriers may not offer coverage in all states.
  • Not a direct insurer, so dealing with claims may involve multiple parties.

NEXT: Best provider of general liability insurance for independent jewelry stores

NEXT is known for their high-quality general liability insurance for independent jewelry stores. They specialize in providing fast, comprehensive coverage tailored to the specific needs of your business.


  • Specializes in general liability coverage.
  • Fast and easy online quote and purchase process.
  • Highly customizable policies for specific business needs.


  • Not as many coverage options as some competitors.
  • May not be ideal for larger chain jewelry stores.

The Hartford: Best for comprehensive coverage for chain jewelry stores

The Hartford offers comprehensive coverage options designed to meet the needs of larger, chain jewelry stores. Their policies can include everything from property and general liability to workers’ compensation and business interruption insurance.


  • Comprehensive coverage options ideal for larger businesses.
  • Excellent reputation for customer service and claims handling.
  • Offers bundled policies for more savings.


  • Might be too comprehensive for small, independent stores.
  • Rates may be higher compared to other insurers.

Hiscox: Best for a bundled policy of general liability and professional liability insurance for jewelry stores

Hiscox is an ideal choice for jewelry stores seeking a bundled policy of general liability and professional liability insurance. They have a strong reputation for providing tailored policies and excellent customer service.


  • Offers bundled general and professional liability coverage.
  • Excellent customer service reputation.
  • Tailored policies to match your specific needs.


  • Not as many coverage options as some competitors.
  • May not be ideal for businesses seeking very comprehensive coverage.

Tivly: Best brokerage firm if you prefer working with independent and knowledgeable agents

Tivly is a brokerage firm known for their independent and knowledgeable agents. They work with multiple insurers to find the best fit for your jewelry store, offering a more personalized insurance shopping experience.


  • Works with multiple insurers to find the best fit.
  • Personalized service from independent, knowledgeable agents.
  • Can accommodate unique or complex insurance needs.


  • Not a direct insurer, so dealing with claims may involve multiple parties.
  • The shopping process may take longer compared to online-only insurers.

Understanding the risks and needs of a jewelry store

Jewelry stores face numerous risks, from theft and burglary to employee dishonesty, damage to valuable items, and general business liabilities. These risks underscore the importance of obtaining suitable insurance coverage. An adequately insured jewelry store can continue operations even when unexpected incidents occur, providing peace of mind for both the owner and the customers.

Types of insurance coverage for jewelry stores

Understanding the variety of insurance coverage options for your jewelry store is a crucial aspect of protecting your investment. There’s a broad range of potential risks and liabilities that your business may encounter, and it’s important to find a policy that suits your specific needs. In this section, we will delve into the different types of insurance coverages available for jewelry stores, providing you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about safeguarding your business.

Business property insurance

This type of insurance covers damage to your business property, including the building itself and the items inside, such as fixtures, furniture, and equipment. This coverage is essential for any physical business. For example, if a fire were to cause damage to your store and its contents, business property insurance would provide coverage to help you recover and rebuild.

General liability insurance

General liability insurance covers bodily injury and property damage that your business may cause to third parties. For instance, if a customer slips and falls on a wet floor within your store and decides to sue, general liability insurance would cover the associated medical and legal costs.

Jewelers block insurance

Jewelers block insurance is a specialized type of coverage designed specifically for jewelers. It covers your inventory, including your precious metals, gems, and finished jewelry pieces. For example, if a burglar were to break into your store and steal a large portion of your inventory, jewelers block insurance would cover the loss.

Product liability insurance

Product liability insurance provides coverage if a product you sell causes injury or damage. For instance, if a customer experiences a severe allergic reaction to a metal in a necklace you sold and decides to sue for damages, product liability insurance would cover the legal expenses related to the lawsuit.

Workers compensation insurance

Workers compensation insurance covers medical expenses and a portion of lost wages if an employee is injured on the job. If one of your employees drops a heavy box on their foot and is unable to work for a period of time, workers’ compensation insurance would help cover their medical bills and lost income.

Crime insurance

Crime insurance provides coverage for losses due to criminal activities, such as theft, fraud, or forgery. If an employee were to embezzle money from your business, for example, crime insurance could help cover the associated losses.

Business interruption insurance

Business interruption insurance covers loss of income and operating expenses if your business must close temporarily due to a covered peril, such as a natural disaster. For example, if a flood forces you to close your store for repairs for a couple of weeks, business interruption insurance would help compensate for the lost income and pay for continuing expenses like rent or payroll.

What insurance coverage do you really need for your jewelry store? 

Navigating the world of business insurance can be tricky, especially when your business involves high-value items such as jewelry. To ensure your store is well-protected, you must take a strategic approach in determining the right insurance coverage that suits your unique business needs.

  1. Start with jewelers block insurance: Given the intrinsic value of your stock, jewelers block insurance is the first policy you should consider. This coverage is designed specifically for businesses in the jewelry industry and provides extensive protection for your high-value inventory against risks such as theft, damage, and loss.
  2. Don’t overlook commercial general liability insurance: If you’re renting a storefront, your landlord will most likely require you to have commercial general liability insurance. This policy protects your business from claims resulting from bodily injury, property damage, and personal and advertising injury that can occur on your premises.
  3. Protect your rented space with commercial property insurance: Besides your inventory, it’s crucial to protect your store’s physical space. If you’re leasing, commercial property insurance is often a necessity. It covers your business property within your store, including furniture, fixtures, and improvements you make to the leased property. It is also likely that you landlord requires this coverage as part of the lease. 
  4. Secure your transit with commercial auto insurance: If your business involves transporting jewelry, commercial auto insurance is a must-have. Whether you’re delivering items to customers, picking up new stock, or attending trade shows, this policy will protect you from the risks involved with business-related transportation.
  5. Guard against business disruption with business interruption insurance: No business owner likes to think about potential disasters, but they can occur, and when they do, they can disrupt your business operations. That’s where business interruption insurance comes in. It can help cover loss of income and operating expenses if your store is unable to operate due to a covered loss, such as a fire or theft.
  6. Safeguard against crimes with crime insurance: While jewelers block insurance covers theft of your jewelry, crime insurance provides broader protection for your business against various types of crime, including employee dishonesty, forgery, or alteration, as well as money and securities theft.
  7. Protect your employees with workers’ compensation insurance: If you employ staff at your jewelry store, workers’ compensation insurance is generally a legal requirement. This coverage provides benefits to your employees if they get injured or become ill due to their work. It can help pay for medical care, lost wages, and disability or death benefits.

Remember, insurance needs can differ significantly from one jewelry store to another. Always review your unique risk factors, business model, and specific requirements before deciding on the insurance coverage that fits your business best.

The process of getting your jewelry store insured

Getting insurance coverage for your jewelry store involves a series of steps to ensure you’re adequately covered. Here’s the process:

  1. Understand your needs: Before starting the process, you need to understand the unique risks and needs of your jewelry store. Assess what type of insurance coverage you’ll require, such as property insurance, liability insurance, workers’ compensation, and more.
  2. Shop around: Look for insurance companies or brokers that offer coverage for jewelry stores. Compare their policies, costs, and customer reviews to get a sense of the best fit for your store. The companies mentioned above, including Simply Business, NEXT, Hiscox, The Hartford, and Tivly, are great places to start.
  3. Gather necessary information: Be prepared with all the necessary information about your business. This could include the value of your inventory, the number of employees you have, the services you offer, your store’s location, and any existing security measures.
  4. Get quotes: Once you have all the information, reach out to your shortlisted insurance providers to get quotes. You’ll provide details about your business and they’ll give you a quote based on the coverage you need.
  5. Review and compare quotes: Analyze the quotes you receive not just in terms of cost but also what they cover. Make sure to read the fine print for any exclusions or limitations.
  6. Choose a policy: After evaluating your options, choose the policy that best suits your needs and budget.
  7. Purchase and review your policy: After purchasing the policy, be sure to review it carefully to ensure it provides the coverage you expected. If you have any doubts or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your provider for clarification.
  8. Review annually: Business needs can change over time. Make sure to review and update your policy annually or anytime there are significant changes in your business.

Getting the right insurance coverage for your jewelry store may seem like a complex process, but by breaking it down into steps, you can manage it more effectively and ensure you get the coverage you need.

How much does jewelry store insurance cost? 

The cost of jewelry store insurance depends so many factors that we discuss below in details. The size of the store and the amount of the inventory in the store are the most important factors and they can make the costs vary significantly. 

General liability insurance is probably the most common policy that all jewelry stores are required to have. 

The average cost of a general liability insurance policy for jewelry stores is $54 per month, or $648 per year. Most jewelry stores pay between $38 to $189 per month for their general liability insurance policies. 

Keep in mind that this is just the average. Your rates will be different. Be sure to shop around with a few companies or work with a broker like Simply Business or Tivly to compare several quotes to find the cheapest one for your store. 

What factors affect the cost of jewelry store insurance? 

Several factors affect the cost of jewelry store insurance. Below are the main ones: 

Location of the jewelry store

The location of your store can significantly influence your insurance premiums. If your store is situated in an area with high crime rates, insurance companies may charge you more due to the increased risk of theft or vandalism. Conversely, a store in a low-crime area or inside a secured shopping mall may have lower insurance costs.

Value and type of inventory

The type and value of the jewelry you carry in your store will play a significant role in determining your insurance cost. The higher the value of your inventory, the higher your insurance premiums will be. For example, if you primarily sell high-end diamond jewelry, your insurance costs may be higher than a store that sells costume jewelry.

Security measures

The security measures in place at your store also influence your insurance costs. Stores with robust security systems such as alarm systems, surveillance cameras, and secure display cases may enjoy lower insurance premiums as these measures reduce the risk of theft.

Store size and number of employees

The size of your store and the number of employees you have can also affect your insurance costs. Larger stores with more employees usually need higher coverage limits for property insurance and workers’ compensation insurance, resulting in higher premiums.

Claims history

Your claims history can greatly impact your insurance premiums. If your store has had a high number of insurance claims in the past, insurers may consider your business higher risk, which could lead to higher premiums. On the other hand, a clean claims history might result in lower insurance costs.

Business operations

Lastly, the nature of your business operations will influence the cost of your insurance. If you provide additional services such as jewelry repair or custom design, you might need additional coverages, such as professional liability insurance, increasing your overall insurance costs.

How to find cheap jewelry store insurance? 

Finding affordable insurance for your jewelry store that still provides adequate protection doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With some strategic steps and a little savvy, you can reduce your premium costs without compromising your business’ safety. This section will guide you through several effective strategies that can help you find cheap yet comprehensive insurance for your jewelry store.

Shop around and compare quotes

When searching for cheap jewelry store insurance, it’s important to get quotes from several insurance providers. Different providers may offer different coverage options, premiums, and discounts, so comparing quotes can help you find the best deal.

Bundle your insurance policies

Many insurance providers offer discounts to clients who purchase multiple policies. If you need multiple types of insurance for your jewelry store, consider purchasing them all from the same provider to potentially lower your overall insurance costs.

Consider a higher deductible

Opting for a higher deductible can often lower your premium costs. However, it’s important to make sure that you can afford the higher deductible in the event of a claim.

Review your coverage regularly

As your business evolves, your insurance needs may change. Regularly reviewing your coverage can ensure that you’re not paying for coverage you no longer need. Conversely, it can also help you identify any new risks that may need to be covered.

Improve security measures

Insurance companies often offer discounts to businesses that take steps to minimize their risk of a claim. This could involve installing a security system, keeping an up-to-date inventory, or implementing strict procedures for handling and storing jewelry.

Work with an Insurance broker

Insurance brokers are knowledgeable about different types of insurance and can help you find the best coverage for your needs at the best price. They can also help you understand the terms and conditions of your policy, which can prevent costly misunderstandings in the future.

FAQs about jewelry store insurance

What are the differences bewteen commercial property insurance and jewelers block insurance when it comes to covering inventory and other business properties in a jewelry store? 

Both commercial property insurance and jewelers block insurance cover the business properties in a jewelry store, including inventory. However, the level of coverage varies. Below are the details: 

  • Commercial Property Insurance: This form of insurance generally covers the building (if you own it) and the business property within it against perils such as fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters. It usually covers things like fixtures, furniture, equipment, and the physical structure of the building.
    For inventory, commercial property insurance might provide some coverage, but it typically has limitations, especially for high-value items like jewelry. The policy could have a per-item or per-theft limit that is far below the value of a jewelry store’s inventory.
    For example, suppose a fire causes damage to your store’s interior, including display cases and computer systems. Your commercial property insurance would cover the cost of repairs or replacements. However, if during the same event, your inventory of diamond necklaces was also damaged, the coverage might be insufficient due to policy limits.
  • Jewelers Block Insurance: This is a specialized type of insurance designed specifically for businesses dealing with precious stones and metals. It provides extensive coverage for a jewelry store’s inventory, including raw materials, work in progress, finished items in the store, and items in transit.
    This type of insurance often also covers the jewelry that’s entrusted to the business, such as items taken in for repair or consignment pieces. Jewelers block insurance policies can also be customized to cover risks specific to the jewelry industry, such as theft by trick or substitution.
    For example, if a thief swapped a diamond in a ring for a cubic zirconia in your store, a jewelers block policy would cover the loss, while a standard commercial property insurance policy typically would not.

In short, commercial property insurance and jewelers block insurance provide complementary coverage. The first covers the physical premises and general business property, while the second provides specific, comprehensive protection for high-value inventory and industry-specific risks.

What types of insurance coverages do jewelry stores typically need?

Jewelry stores, due to the nature of their business, typically require a mix of several types of insurance coverages. These can include general liability, professional liability, commercial property, jewelers block, workers’ compensation, and business interruption insurance. The specific needs can vary depending on the store’s size, location, number of employees, and the value of the inventory.

Why is it important for a jewelry store to have business interruption insurance?

Business interruption insurance can be crucial for jewelry stores in the event of a covered loss that disrupts the normal operations of the business, such as a fire or a natural disaster. This insurance can help cover the loss of income and fixed operating expenses while the store is being repaired or replaced.

How does commercial property insurance differ from jewelers block insurance for a jewelry store?

While commercial property insurance can protect the physical location of a jewelry store and its equipment, jewelers block insurance is specifically designed to cover high-value inventory, such as the jewelry itself. It often offers more extensive coverage for theft, damage, and loss, including items in transit or entrusted to the business.

What factors typically affect the cost of jewelry store insurance?

The cost of jewelry store insurance can be influenced by several factors, including the store’s location, the value of the inventory, the types and amount of coverage needed, the store’s claim history, and the security measures in place.

How can a jewelry store owner reduce their insurance costs?

Implementing robust security measures can potentially lower insurance premiums for a jewelry store. This can include installing high-quality locks, alarm systems, and surveillance cameras. Additionally, maintaining a good claims history and choosing higher deductibles can also help reduce costs.

What steps should I follow to get insurance for my jewelry store?

To get insurance for a jewelry store, you’ll first need to identify your specific needs in terms of coverage types and amounts. You can then request quotes from various insurance providers, compare the offers, and choose the best fit. Working with an insurance agent can be helpful in this process. It’s also important to regularly review your coverage as your business changes over time.

As an owner of a valuable piece of jewelry, do I need to have jewelry store insurance? 

No, as an individual owner of a piece of jewelry, you don’t need jewelry store insurance. Jewelry store insurance is designed for businesses that deal with jewelry, such as retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers, and repair shops. It covers risks associated with running a jewelry business, like theft, damage to the inventory, liability incidents, and more.

As a personal owner of jewelry, what you need is personal jewelry insurance. This can typically be obtained in two ways:

  1. Adding a rider to your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance: This is an extension (also called a rider or endorsement) that covers high-value items like jewelry that are not fully covered by the standard policy. This usually requires an appraisal of the jewelry and may increase your premium.
    • The jewelry rider or endorsement typically covers risks like theft and loss, and may also include damage or destruction. However, there may be limits on the dollar amount covered per item and/or in total.
  2. Purchasing a standalone jewelry insurance policy: Companies like Jewelers Mutual offer standalone policies that cover repair or replacement of jewelry in many situations – theft, loss, damage, and even disappearance.
    • Some policies will even cover the cost of replacing a lost or stolen piece with a piece of similar type and quality directly from the jeweler of your choice.

Remember to get an appraisal for your piece and ensure you understand what your policy covers – for instance, does it cover just theft, or also accidental loss or damage? It’s also important to know if your policy offers actual cash value (the value of the item, less depreciation) or agreed value (a set amount you and the insurer agree upon). Always read the fine print and ask your insurance provider if anything is unclear.


In conclusion, having adequate insurance is a key part of running a successful jewelry store. It provides a safety net that can help your business recover from unexpected incidents. Take the time to assess your needs and find the coverage that’s right for your store.

Thang Truong

Thang Truong covers small business insurance and small business success at BravoPolicy. He is a licensed P&C insurance agent. Previously, he held product leadership positions at realtor.com, Capital One, NerdWallet, and Mulberry Technology. He holds a MBA degree from UC Berkeley - Haas School of Business.

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