5 Best Art Gallery Insurance Companies & Costs in 2023 

Thang Truong
Thang Truong
Updated on:

Art gallery insurance is an essential component of operating a successful art gallery. It offers protection for artwork from various risks and helps to ensure the financial stability of the business. Before delving into the specifics of art gallery insurance and why it’s crucial for gallery owners, let’s have a look at the 5 best providers of art gallery insurance for your consideration: 

Choosing the right insurance provider for your art gallery is a critical part of safeguarding your business. The right provider will offer comprehensive coverage tailored to the unique needs of an art gallery, while also providing excellent customer service and competitive pricing. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at five top insurance providers for art galleries. Each has its own strengths and specializations, so you can find the one that fits your gallery’s needs the best.

  • Simply Business: Best for comparing quotes
  • Chubb: Best for comprehensive fine art insurance
  • NEXT: Best general liability insurance for art galleries
  • Hanover: Best for art floater insurance
  • Tivly: Best brokerage firm for art gallery insurance

Simply Business: Best for comparing quotes

Simply Business is a reputable insurance provider known for their user-friendly platform which allows for easy comparison of quotes from several top-tier insurance carriers. This means you can find the most competitive price for your art gallery insurance without having to search multiple sites. They also have a stellar customer satisfaction rating, reflecting their commitment to quality service.


  • Convenient platform for comparing multiple quotes
  • Excellent customer satisfaction rating
  • Offers a wide variety of coverages suitable for art galleries


  • Not a direct insurance carrier; they are an aggregator
  • Limited personalization of policies

Chubb: Best for comprehensive fine art insurance

Chubb is a leading name in fine art insurance with their comprehensive policies being second to none. They provide robust coverage options that extend well beyond standard policies, ensuring even the most valuable pieces in your collection are adequately protected. Their fine art insurance is designed to meet the unique needs of art galleries, making them an excellent choice.


  • Comprehensive fine art coverage options
  • Expertise in insuring valuable and unique items
  • Highly reputable in the industry


  • Could be more expensive than other options
  • Might not be suitable for small galleries due to higher coverage limits

NEXT: Best general liability insurance for art galleries

NEXT offers solid general liability insurance options, which are ideal for protecting art galleries from third-party claims for bodily injury, property damage, and personal or advertising injury. Their coverage can be tailored to suit your specific needs and they offer fast, online quote generation.


  • Strong general liability coverage options
  • Tailored policies to suit specific needs
  • Quick and easy quote generation process


  • Doesn’t specialize in fine art insurance
  • Online focus might not be ideal for those preferring personal contact

Hanover: Best for art floater insurance

Hanover shines when it comes to art floater insurance. They offer comprehensive coverage that ensures your art pieces are protected, whether on display, in transit, or on loan. Hanover’s robust policy options can be tailored to meet your unique requirements.


  • Excellent for art floater insurance
  • Comprehensive coverage that can be tailored to specific needs
  • Solid reputation in the insurance industry


  • Might not offer as much online accessibility as some other companies
  • Coverage might be more expensive due to the specialized nature of art floater insurance

Tivly is an ideal choice for art gallery owners who prefer working with independent agents. Their brokers are knowledgeable about art gallery insurance, ensuring you get a policy that best suits your needs. Tivly acts as an intermediary, giving you access to a wide range of insurers and coverages.


  • Offers access to a wide range of insurers and coverages
  • Knowledgeable agents who understand art gallery insurance
  • Independent firm offering unbiased advice


  • Not a direct insurance carrier
  • Service quality may depend on individual agents

Understanding the risks for art galleries

Operating an art gallery involves a unique set of risks. These can range from the physical damage or loss of artwork, liability claims, business interruption, cyber threats, to transit risks. Each of these risks could lead to significant financial losses if not appropriately managed.

Physical damage or loss of artwork

Artwork in galleries is exposed to risks such as theft, fire, water damage, and accidental damage. Insuring against these risks can provide compensation in the event of a loss and damages.

Liability claims

Galleries open to the public face liability risks. If a visitor trips and injures themselves, the gallery could face a costly lawsuit. Similarly, if a piece of art is loaned to another institution and it’s damaged, the gallery might be held liable.

Business interruption

An incident like a fire or flood could force the gallery to close for repairs, leading to lost income. Business interruption insurance can cover this lost income.

Cyber threats

With the increasing digitization of the art world, galleries are at risk from cyber threats. Cyber insurance can help cover the costs associated with a cyber attack.

Transit risks

Artworks often need to be transported between locations, exposing them to the risk of damage or theft. Transit insurance can provide coverage for artworks while they’re on the move.

Key insurance coverages for art galleries

There are several key insurance coverages that art galleries need to consider. These include fine art insurance, general liability insurance, property insurance, business interruption insurance, cyber liability insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, and commercial auto insurance.

Fine art insurance

Fine art insurance is a specific type of insurance coverage designed to protect works of art. This includes paintings, sculptures, prints, installations, and other valuable artifacts or collectibles. It’s a form of coverage that is important for art collectors, museums, galleries, artists, and others who deal with valuable pieces of art.

Fine art insurance is designed to cover physical loss or damage to artwork. The coverage is typically written on an “all risk” basis and can include a range of perils such as theft, damage during transit, natural disasters, or accidental damage like a visitor knocking over a sculpture or a painting being damaged during installation.

Fine art insurance can be structured to cover artworks whether they’re on display, in storage, being transported, or even loaned to another institution. Policies can be “wall-to-wall,” meaning the work is covered no matter where it is, or they can be more specific, covering the work only in certain situations or locations.

Moreover, fine art insurance often includes a feature known as “agreed value.” This means that the insurer and the insured agree on the value of the artwork at the time the policy is written, and in case of a total loss, the insured would be paid this agreed value.

It’s important to note that fine art insurance is usually separate from a standard commercial or home insurance policy. These standard policies often have limited coverage for valuable items, which may not be enough to fully cover high-value artworks.

In summary, fine art insurance provides tailored coverage to meet the unique needs of those who own, handle, exhibit, or deal with artworks, ensuring that these valuable pieces are adequately protected.

Art floater insurance

Art floater insurance is a specialized type of coverage that protects individual pieces of artwork. Unlike general property insurance, it covers the artwork regardless of where it’s located — hence the term “floater”. It also typically covers a wider range of risks, including accidental damage.

If a gallery or a private collector doesn’t have a fine art insurance policy for the whole collection of arts. They can choose to buy individual art floater insurance for specific item that is valuable and frequently moving to a different location. 

Example: You loan a valuable painting to another gallery for an exhibition. During transportation, the painting is accidentally dropped and damaged. Your art floater insurance would cover the cost of restoring the painting.

Commercial property insurance

Commercial property insurance protects the physical assets of your art gallery. This can include the building itself, as well as the artwork, display fixtures, office equipment, and any other physical assets. For instance, if a fire damages your gallery, your property insurance could help cover the cost of repairing the building and replacing damaged artwork.

Commercial property insurance can provide coverage to the art pieces. However, its coverage is limited for these valuable items and often not enough to cover the value of art collection in a gallery or museum. 

Example: A sudden water leak damages several paintings and sculptures in your gallery. Property insurance could cover the cost of these damaged artworks.

General liability insurance

General liability insurance is essential for any business that has customers visiting its premises. It covers any claims made against your business for personal injury or property damage. This can include slip-and-fall accidents, as well as damage to a customer’s property.

Example: A customer slips on a wet floor in your gallery and breaks a wrist. They file a lawsuit against your gallery for their medical expenses. Your general liability insurance would help cover the legal costs and any settlement.

Business interruption insurance

Business interruption insurance covers the loss of income that your gallery may suffer after a disaster. This is different from property insurance, which covers physical damage to your gallery. Business interruption insurance covers the profits that you would have earned if the disaster hadn’t occurred.

Example: Your gallery is forced to close for a month due to repairs after a fire. Your business interruption insurance could cover the income you would have made during that month.

Workers’ compensation insurance

If you have employees, workers’ compensation insurance is generally required by law. It covers any costs associated with an employee getting injured or sick on the job. This includes medical expenses and lost wages.

Example: An employee of your gallery injures their back while moving a heavy sculpture. Workers’ compensation insurance would cover their medical bills and time off work.

Directors and officers insurance

If your gallery has a board of directors or officers, D&O insurance covers any claims made against them for alleged wrongful acts in their capacity as directors or officers. This can include claims of mismanagement or breach of fiduciary duty.

Example: The board of directors makes a decision that leads to significant financial losses for the gallery. Shareholders sue the board members for negligence. Directors and officers insurance would help cover the legal costs and any settlement.

Each of these types of insurance offers vital protection for an art gallery, covering different types of risks that your gallery may face. It’s recommended to consult with an insurance professional to determine the appropriate types and amounts of coverage for your specific situation.

Commercial auto insurance

Art galleries might also need commercial auto insurance if they use vehicles for their business operations. This type of insurance is designed to cover any vehicles owned and used by your business, as well as any liability arising from accidents involving those vehicles. This is different from personal auto insurance, which typically only covers personal usage.

For an art gallery, you may use vehicles for a variety of reasons, such as transporting artwork between locations, delivering artwork to customers, picking up new acquisitions, or going to offsite exhibitions or events. In these cases, a commercial auto insurance policy would cover any damages to the vehicles and any liability from accidents that might occur during these activities.

Example: One of your employees is transporting a painting to a client’s house in a gallery-owned van. They get into an accident and the painting is damaged. Not only would the commercial auto insurance cover the damage to the van, but it would also likely cover the cost of the damaged artwork.

However, if your art gallery doesn’t use vehicles for business purposes or if your employees use their own vehicles for business-related tasks, you might not need commercial auto insurance. Always consult with an insurance professional to determine your specific needs based on your business operations.

Choosing the right insurance company for your art gallery involves several key steps.

Understand your needs

Your first task is to understand your art gallery’s unique insurance needs. This includes identifying the types and value of artworks you house, how often they are transported, if you host events, and the level of public access to your gallery. All of these factors will determine the kinds of coverage you need.

Research insurance companies

The next step is to research insurance companies that specialize in insuring art galleries or have a strong reputation in the commercial insurance sector. Look at their financial stability, years in operation, customer reviews, and the types of coverage they offer. It’s crucial to choose a company that understands the intricacies of insuring art galleries.

Compare quotes and coverages

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, it’s time to get quotes. Most insurance companies offer free online quotes, but it might be beneficial to speak with a representative or independent agent who can explain the policy in detail. Compare not only the prices but also the coverage each policy provides. Cheaper isn’t always better if it means sacrificing crucial protection.

Ask about policy customization

Standard policies may not cover all your gallery’s unique risks. Check if the insurance company allows policy customization. Can you add endorsements or riders to your policy to cover specific artwork or special events?

Evaluate customer service

Lastly, consider the company’s customer service. You want an insurer who responds promptly to inquiries and claims. Online reviews can offer insight into other customers’ experiences. Consider the company’s claim response time and the ease of the claims process.

Consult with a professional

Consulting with an insurance broker or agent who specializes in art galleries can also be very beneficial. They can guide you through the process, helping you find the best coverage options at the best price.

By following these steps, you can confidently choose the right insurance company for your art gallery. It might take some time and effort, but the peace of mind knowing your business is adequately protected is well worth it. 

The most important insurance policy for art galleries is fine art insurance. Fine art insurance costs vary significantly depending on the value of the art collection. It is difficult to estimate or have a range. You should contact an insurance agent or broker to get several quotes. 

The second most common insurance policy for art galleries is general liability insurance. The average cost of a general liability insurance policy for art galleries is $62 per month, or $744 per year. Most art galleries pay between $36 and $187 per month for their general liability insurance policies. 

These are just the average. Your rates will be different. Be sure to shop around with a few companies or work with a broker to compare several quotes to find the cheapest one for your gallery. 

The cost of art gallery insurance can vary significantly depending on several factors. It’s important to understand what these factors are, as they play a crucial role in determining your insurance premiums. Below, we dive deeper into each of these considerations and how they might affect your insurance cost.

Value of artwork

One of the most significant factors in determining your art gallery insurance cost is the value of the artwork you house. If your gallery hosts high-value pieces, expect to pay more for insurance. The more valuable the artwork, the higher the risk for the insurance company, translating into higher premiums.

Your gallery’s location can also influence insurance costs. If your gallery is in a city or area with high crime rates, you may face higher premiums due to increased risk of theft or vandalism. Also, if your location is prone to natural disasters, such as earthquakes or floods, your insurance costs may be higher.

Security measures

The security measures in place at your gallery can have a substantial impact on your insurance costs. Galleries with robust security systems, including alarms, CCTV, and adequate lighting, are less likely to be targeted by thieves, potentially leading to lower insurance costs.

The size of your gallery can affect your insurance costs. Larger galleries may house more artwork and attract more visitors, increasing potential liabilities. Therefore, they may require more extensive coverage, leading to higher insurance costs.

Transportation and loaning of artworks

If your gallery frequently transports artworks or loans pieces to other institutions, this could increase your insurance costs. Transporting and loaning artworks exposes them to additional risks, which can lead to higher premiums.

Understanding these factors can help you better navigate the process of getting insurance for your art gallery. It also helps you identify areas where you may be able to take steps to potentially reduce your premiums, such as improving security measures.

Finding affordable art gallery insurance is crucial for most gallery owners. While it’s important to ensure you have sufficient coverage to protect your investment, it’s equally important to ensure you’re not overpaying for insurance. Here are a few tips that may help you secure cheaper insurance rates for your art gallery.

Shop around

One of the simplest ways to find cheap art gallery insurance is to shop around. Different insurance providers may offer different rates for similar coverage, so it’s important to get quotes from several companies to compare prices and terms. Online insurance comparison platforms can be especially helpful in this regard.

Understand your needs

Understanding your gallery’s specific needs can also help you find cheaper insurance. Determine what types of coverage are essential for your business and which ones are not necessary. This helps ensure you only pay for the coverage you need.

Improve security

As we mentioned before, the security measures in place at your gallery can significantly affect your insurance costs. Therefore, investing in robust security systems, including alarms and CCTV, could potentially reduce your insurance premiums.

Manage risks

Risk management can also lead to lower insurance costs. This involves identifying potential risks in your gallery and taking measures to mitigate them. For instance, proper training of staff on how to handle artworks can reduce the risk of damage, which may lower your premiums.

Consider a higher deductible

Choosing a policy with a higher deductible may result in lower premium costs. However, it’s important to balance this with your ability to pay the deductible in case of a claim.

Seek professional advice

Finally, consider seeking advice from insurance professionals who specialize in art gallery insurance. They can provide tailored advice based on your specific needs and circumstances, helping you find the most cost-effective coverage.

While it’s important to find affordable insurance, remember that the cheapest option isn’t always the best. It’s crucial to ensure that you have adequate coverage to fully protect your gallery and its valuable artworks.

Below are a few questions frequently asked about art gallery insurance: 

Art gallery insurance is a type of insurance that covers risks associated with running an art gallery. It can include several types of coverage, including fine art, liability, property, business interruption, cyber, workers’ compensation, and commercial auto insurance.

Why do art galleries need insurance?

Art galleries need insurance to protect against various risks, such as physical damage or loss of artwork, liability claims, business interruption, cyber threats, and transit risks. Without insurance, these risks could lead to significant financial losses.

What does fine art insurance cover?

Fine art insurance covers physical loss or damage to artworks. This includes risks such as fire, theft, accidental damage, and some forms of water damage.

What are the differences between art floater insurance and fine art insurance? 

Art floater insurance and fine art insurance are not exactly the same thing, although they are often used interchangeably. Here’s a breakdown of each:

Fine art insurance: 

This is a broad term that generally refers to insurance coverage for valuable works of art. It could be part of a broader policy such as a business owner’s policy or a standalone policy, depending on the needs and specific circumstances of the art owner. This type of insurance is designed to cover physical loss or damage to fine arts, which includes paintings, etchings, pictures, tapestries, art glass, antique furniture, collectibles, and similar property. The coverage is typically written on an “all risk” basis and could cover different types of damage, including accidental damage, theft, fire, or natural disasters.

Art floater insurance: 

An “art floater” refers to a specific type of coverage that “floats” or follows the insured art no matter where it is. That means the insurance covers the artwork even when it’s in transit or being displayed at a different location other than the insured premises. This type of insurance is typically used by art galleries or museums, but could also be used by private collectors who frequently loan out their artwork to galleries or exhibitions.

So, while both types of insurance are designed to protect artwork, the main difference lies in where and how the coverage applies. An art floater insurance provides more extensive coverage for art that is moved around frequently. As always, the specific terms and conditions of each policy may vary, so it’s important to consult with an insurance professional to understand what is covered.

What is the difference between property insurance and fine art insurance?

Fine art insurance and commercial property insurance both play a crucial role in protecting the assets of an art gallery, but they cover different aspects and come with distinct features.

Fine art insurance

Fine art insurance is designed specifically to cover artwork, which typically includes paintings, sculptures, and other art pieces. This type of insurance is highly specialized and usually covers a wide range of risks that art is exposed to. It often covers art on and off the premises of the gallery, in transit, on loan, or in storage. It’s often an “all-risk” policy covering a wide range of events, including theft, damage, and sometimes even depreciation in value after a loss.

The coverage under fine art insurance is usually on an agreed value basis. This means that in the event of a loss, the insurance company would pay an amount that was agreed upon when the policy was purchased, taking into account the valuation of the artwork. The valuation of artworks can be a complex process, and the value of artworks may fluctuate over time, making regular appraisals necessary.

Commercial property insurance

Commercial property insurance for art galleries covers the physical structure of the gallery itself and its contents, such as furniture, fixtures, equipment, and general inventory. It generally protects against perils such as fire, theft, natural disasters, and vandalism.

Unlike fine art insurance, commercial property insurance does not typically cover artwork, especially when it is in transit or on loan. Coverage is usually on a replacement cost or actual cash value basis. Replacement cost coverage would pay to replace the lost items with new ones, while actual cash value coverage would take into account depreciation.

In summary, fine art insurance is typically used to protect the valuable artwork in an art gallery, whereas commercial property insurance is used to protect the gallery’s physical structure and non-art contents. Both types of insurance are important for an art gallery to ensure comprehensive protection. Art gallery owners often choose to have both types of insurance policies in place to ensure full coverage of their business.

The cost of art gallery insurance depends on several factors, including the value of the artwork in the gallery, the gallery’s location, the types of coverage included in the policy, and the gallery’s claim history.

You can reduce the cost of art gallery insurance by implementing risk management measures, such as installing security systems, fire suppression systems, and regular maintenance. Some insurers may offer discounts for these measures. Additionally, shopping around and comparing quotes from different insurers can help you find the best price.


Art gallery insurance is an essential tool for protecting your business from a range of risks. By understanding the unique risks faced by art galleries and the various coverage options available, you can find a policy that suits your needs and budget. Remember, insurance is an investment in the security and longevity of your business. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting valuable artwork and the operations of your gallery.

Thang Truong

Thang Truong covers small business insurance and small business success at BravoPolicy. He is a licensed P&C insurance agent. Previously, he held product leadership positions at realtor.com, Capital One, NerdWallet, and Mulberry Technology. He holds a MBA degree from UC Berkeley - Haas School of Business.

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